Thursday, 13 November 2008

Masking Tape

Here are some examples of the applied masking tape!! I think it works pretty well! What do you guys reckon?

Tuesday, 11 November 2008


Screen-grabs of the pages we updated today!! They don't really do it justice without the rollover links however!!

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Reactable musical interface

Reactable musical instrument interface

Quite interesting! Not amazingly relevant to our project but something to look at when considering user interaction, especially with music.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Tape Page

Here is a few screen-grabs of what i've done so far for the tape page. It also has the change in rollover images, and clickable links!

I decided to go for the different perspectives idea when it came down to the illustration. Thought it worked quite nicely!

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Buttons!'s a quick screen-grab. I've managed to create the buttons individually, which could be used to navigate through the pages! I think i'll have to show you tomorrow to get the full potential of it!

Thursday, 30 October 2008


hey, that sounds really good. i've tried out some stuff on flash and made this simple animation, just from a rough sketch. but it could work quite well if we did it with our final illustrations.


I've managed to work out how to put music onto the pages, and how to loop them!

I've also made an 80s track, kitted out with radio sounds and everything, for the tape page! haha