Thursday, 23 October 2008


I found some images of tapes we could base our 'drawing' on.

I also like the idea of having the reel of tape inside the cassette being interactive in some way, or maybe the video we do could involve the reel spewing out of the cassette. Don't know how capable of this we are but just an idea.

I like the idea of this continuing on with the theme of the hand drawn image appearing gradually, maybe it could reveal the description or spell something like 'cassette tape' (original!).

Another way we could do it is having the reel of tape transfer from one side to the other, how relevant this is I don't know.

This is basically what I think we all had in mind earlier.

Ours will be better obviously!!

1 comment:

Matt Adams said...

Images are looking great mate, and I definitely think that illustrative style would be good!